Rendezvous with Goli VadaPav Founder
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Jan 21, 2018 Madurai
A morning would have gone wasted if I couldn’t muster the courage to get up from my bed, dress up and race up to Kamarajar Salai ,Madurai to meet this man who founded Goli Vada Pav No: 1 Mr. Venkatesh Iyer. He along with his friend Mr Shivadas Menon started a ethnic fast food restaurant in 2004 in Kalyan, Mumbai and Kalyan is where all the saga of Goli Vada Pav started.
Thaliya,thaliya (applause) that’s first thing which he uttered during his three hour motivational speech. He shared his story where he failed many times to rise up again and again to build 340 outlets of ethnic fast food chain in India spread across 90 cities. Being a Tamil Brahmin he would have started his food venture with Idli and Dosa but instead he got hooked up with native Maharastrian Vada Pav. When he was still confused with what he should focus, one fine day when thoughts inside his brain were busy fighting with each other his eyes took notice of the 30 foot big Mc Donald banner in VT Station platform. He compared the burger with Vada Pav in his hand and then enlightenment struck him which made him foray into fast food business with one product Vada Pav.
Why the name Goli ?
The round raw potato patty before being dipped in gram flour is called Goli and has a colloquial meaning too which made Mr Venkatesh name his product Goli Vada Pav No: 1
The logic behind starting Vada Pav business:
One could not serve fifty dosas or fifty idlis to fifty people in five minutes instead fifty vadapavs can served to fifty people in five minutes.It was fast, economical and it was a mobile food which saved lots of time in always busy and hectic Mumbai
Mr Venkatesh Iyer is full of energy ,optimism and his never give up attitude helped him achieve success in running India’s first ethnic fast food chain. After three hours of listening to him you will be energized, motivated and ready to live your dream.
For more information about Goli Vada Pav No: 1 outlets visit his site